Got my OWN mic, stage, key, seat & door!

Mom The Teacher

on July 27, 2020


MOTHERS wear the title of an EDUCATOR also.

NOT every female in a classroom fall under this homage.

These are the women/MOTHERS who understand that this is NOT about a career but a sacred  calling.

These are the women/MOTHERS who aren’t afraid of laws and policies and WILL touch a kid, love on a kid, pick up and drop off a kid, go to a kid home and have NO il, mal, dis, un involved.

These are the women/MOTHERS that arrive early and stay late because students need them to just listen.

These are the women/MOTHERS who say “make a list” or “tell me what you need” and it is things that bring them self respect and dignity.

These are the women/MOTHERS that will share their journey, show their emotions and exhibit and embody the phrase TOGETHER WE WILL AND TOGETHER WE CAN.

These are the women/MOTHERS that care more about their students as a human than a test grade, score, percentage or statistic.

These are the women/MOTHERS that even the thought of them or sight of them no matter the time or distance either make you fill up with pride or make tears come because YOU KNOW FOR A FACT, HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR HER you would have given up.

Just as I type, I am reminded of educators of old vs educators of today, the ones today can’t, won’t and claim the laws say NO TOUCHING but they can call cops to SLAM OUR KIDS when all they NEED is compassion, love, an ear and a heart but if they aren’t seen as HUMANS already……

Yeah, let that marinate!


March is Women’s History Month where we pay homage to the WOMAN.

This year, I am looking at, understanding and really getting into the BLACK WOMAN and our struggle for the past 400 years in this country.

THE BLACK WOMAN have a strength, tenacity, fight, will, love, beauty, resilience, anyhow, boldness, voice, unphased, unapologetic and appreciation about us that others will NEVER understand.

We do us
We speak us
We present us
We represent us
We make it happen

We are most definitely not a monolithic group but we are a unified group simultaenously.

Some wear bonnets while others wear bad ass hats

Some where pj’s while others wear high end dress suits

Some were torn shoes while others stepping in red bottoms.


I read that teachers make ALL other professions possible.

A teacher is a WOMAN.
A teacher is a MOM.
A teacher is a FEMALE.
A teacher is an AGENT OF CHANGE
A teacher is intentional
A teacher can turn a frown upside
A teacher know their students intimately
A teacher is one who is not afraid of laws, rules and poliies when it come to trust and building relationships
A teacher say MY KIDS…..
A teacher is one who teach us how to enhance us scholastically, spiritually, athletically, financially, wordly and all the other LEE’S I missed.


Sariah McCall, she worked at Sanders Clyde Elementary School which is an impoverished African American school

She smiled and grinned and did absolutely nothing until she hit that 5 year mark where her HEFTY compensation package of student loan forgiveness was signed sealed and delivered.

There are soooooo many like her

Yet, Black teachers are teaching, producing, holding and saving souls

Yet, Black teachers are taking nothing and magically producing something

Yet, Black teachers get Black students and understand relationship with them

Yet, Black teachers are used to this and STILL have high standards and expectations

Yet, Black teachers are not afraid to confront home

Yet, Black teachers understand certain body languages and know when a student is out of character

Yet, Black teachers don’t mind being REAL with our students

To have these teachers come into our inner city schools where education malpractice is LEGISLATED and expect afflunce, tech savvy and 21st century style learning to pop up need to pack up and go back to their neck of the woods

They are unable to teach our kids because they know absolutely nothing about working hard, worth ethics and lacking in resourses

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