Got my OWN mic, stage, key, seat & door!

Muddy Buddy

on July 27, 2022

I pulled up, the girls were filling a hole that was caused by torrential rain without notice or time to prepare, it just happened and swiftly.

The community did what we do and that is be community and surround our young.

Muddy Buddy!

These kids are so privileged, entitled and sheltered they know absolutely nothing about being intuitive, innovative, creative and imaginary.

In the mud with ya bud, getting dirty and back to what we did and that is be youth as elders gave sound wisdom.

Muddy Buddy!

Never demeaning

Never humiliating

Never belittling

Never making small

Never diminishing

Leading the unlearning, relearning and learning

Leading us back to our culture of brilliance

Leading the youth back to where we forgot

Muddy Buddy!

When did it become a bad thing for us Black people to use the tools of play, outside as transferable tools for living?

Muddy Buddy!

Outside is where we learned social skills

Outside is where we learned community

Outside is where we learned compassion

Outside is where we honed necessary skills to be better human

Muddy Buddy!

Do they know that in their DNA is a people who were denied the right to read and write but:

Built highways

Built train tracks

Built colleges and universities

Built the halls of Congress

Built the White House

Built America

There literally is no USa without US

Do they know that with their MUDDY BUDDY that is the soul of their ancestors and mother earth birthed us all?

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