Got my OWN mic, stage, key, seat & door!


on December 31, 2022

Here reflecting on 2022 as a die hard educator of BLACK children in the inner cities and now I share……..

The ONLY thing new is we have adopted the white gaze, white lingo, white feelings, white belief system and white rage when it comes to our BLACK children.

The ONLY thing new is WHITE TEACHERS have infiltrated our schools and they are racist, “fearful” incompetent, immoral, dehumanizing, disrespectful and ineffective in producing scholars and they are paid by us tax payers to do what they do……………

These children today is said to be disrespectful to everyone, rude, lazy and parents need to deal with them.

These children today are said to have freedom of speech and actions at home ALONE but not in the schools or streets because jail and criminal records awaits them and we BLACK teachers know, understand and is disgusted by this because well, they should be able to express themselves but in a respectful manner.

These children today come to school with the weight upon their shoulders because they are taught by their WHITE TEACHERS one thing and home says another and then REALITY is harshly introduced to them of which causes a ball of confusion, anger, and rage.

We as BLACK teachers are at our breaking point and honesty for me, it is NOT the students but the bull we must face, hear and put up with while teaching our children the truth, and how to maneuver through this racist society. We teachers who are revolutionary are intentional in our deliver of what they should learn with nothing being held back and they appreciate it and understand it.

I brought current issues to my 4th graders and encouraged them to question, dig and research on their own and I was often reminded that they shouldn’t and couldn’t. So when I was asked why I said I guess they want you dead early. I am teaching you how to create, invent, and understand your role as a citizen to live a better life and they don’t want it.

The teachers who allow disrespect to go unchecked are the same oneness whose children treat them like anything, who allow their children to speak to them any kind of way and who is afraid of their own children. THIS IS NEW TO US.

In this whole gentle parenting rubbish, IT.DOES.NOT.INCLUDE.BLACK.CHILDREN.IN.SCHOOLS…….

May be an image of text that says 'mamainsinCis.com BEING A GENTLE PARENT MEANS you are finally letting go of outdated parenting practices and learning new parenting strategies that help you get through to your child So they can actually learn and grow as humans and not just comply because they're scared of you. Carolina King Mama Instincts'No photo description available.No photo description available.


Our children are allowed to be RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL, MOUTHY, OUT OF CONTROL and GROWN at home, to those who care for them and provide for them.

They are in a position to tell their BLACK elders, seniors, and foundation off, go and come as they feel, disregard their demands or requests and disrespect their hard labor all because of the fear of DHS and the COPS.

Our BLACK children have access to law enforcement and threaten their loved ones with them as the law is ONLY on their side in the home because CLEARLY it isn’t in these prison preps called schools.

I would like to address the heartless, immoral, unjust, warden like WHITE teachers that are coming into our poor inner city schools, failing, neglecting, stripping and stealing the intellectual property of our BLACK children.

Education theft is when the poor seek out addresses of affluent family members or friends so that their children can have a chance to get a “perceived” high quality and progressive education because as we know, education is the passport to a brighter future in these parts ALL kinds of access, opportunities, exposures, resources and choices are endless. Yet, once found out that they “don’t belong” because HIGH QUALITY ISN’T REALLY FOR ALL CHILDREN but WHITE CHILDREN they are shunned, harshly criminalized and penalized and sent back to lack, desolation, darkness, malpractice and maltreatment where benign neglect legislates it.

Also, EDUCATION THEFT is when WHITE TEACHERS come into our inner city schools and have low to no expectations, standards, and demands of excellence, can miss as many days as they will and use mental fatigue, illness and disorders because of poverty, lack, oppression and all things that is attached to us because we are BLACK. They also refuse to pull out the innate creativity, skills, talents, brilliance, gifts and passion that have been laying dormant.  They are paid to rob our children intellectually, morally, socially, culturally, spiritually to push them into the criminal justice systems and grave yards prematurely.

Malcolm X said, “Only a FOOL Will  Allow The Enemy to Educate Their Children.”

These teachers are the gatekeepers of white supremacy that connects with law enforcement, big pharma, the courts, hospitals, American Psychiatric Association (APA) (counselors, psychologists and social workers).

Yes, we pay these WHITE teachers to actually prey upon, cage our brilliant, black, bold, intuitive and loving children BECAUSE of legislated poverty, oppression, lack, low resources, illness, early demise of backbones in the family and deep rooted racism, they really think they are FREE.

May be an image of 1 personNo photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.

We BLACK teachers show up and give our best and all and a great deal of our students know off the back who is their safe space, who have their back and who is genuine and will tell you.

I don’t fault these students but these WHITE teachers who allow anything, who have NO standards or expectations or demands from them. All they need from our BLACK babies is to show up, be quiet and good and they are given PASSING grades without doing anything.

I don’t fault these students, they know that they can disrupt, disrespect, and be detached and disengaging and STILL pass because we have been reduced to this by those who have always been inept, ignorant, illiterate, immoral, illegal and incompetent.

I don’t fault these students or their homes, America need how to hold it up and down and then strpped home rights to correct, discipline and have standards and high demands of their children.

I don’t fault these students because WHITE FOLKS tell them that they can be rude, disrespectful, mouthy and insolent but the moment they are towards them, they push that panic button where the cops come a rushing in and saving them.

We taught our BLACK children to be respect all authority.

We taught our BLACK children to be prepared.

We taught our BLACK children accountability.

We taught our BLACK children to be responsible.

We taught our BLACK children to speak with confidence.

We taught our BLACK children to respect adults.

We taught our BLACK children all of the values, principles, character traits and skills needed to rep and be the best.

We taught our BLACK children to support their peers.

We taught our BLACK children to give their all.

We taught our BLACK children to look presentable.

We taught our BLACK children to show up prepared.

We taught our BLACK children all the things that white folks never had to do, be or Teach your kids to act right!

We taught our BLACK children to have control of their emotions, feelings and words.


We taught our BLACK children that they should always stay in a child’s place.

We taught our BLACK children to have pride in their Blackness, history and community

We taught our BLACK children to respect their teachers, faculty and staff because ALL were stake holders in their future.

We taught our BLACK children we defend them, they don’t rise up to  an adult EVER.

We taught our BLACK children that slang does not belong in the presence of adults, they faught too hard, demanded to ferociously for our right to learn and speak eloquently and in honor of that, we did and we had to

We taught our BLACK children and we parents were the authority of them, we weren’t afraid of them, we we had high demands and expectations of them, even if we didn’t show up or knew the material; we knew our role and played it well.

We taught self discipline and were not afraid to discipline our children no matter the grade or age and today they fear no one or any consequences because of this and white folks know this, it makes it easier to kill and imprison them.

We taught our BLACK children to be considerate, compassionate, communicators, and concerned about humanity.

We parents had control, the final say and could lasso our BLACK children in from hurt, harm, and danger. White folks stripped that right, they have denied BLACK parents of that right and you have the audacity to criminalize home for discipling and not not disciplining our children?

Whites wielded, invented, created and crafted these laws and policies that gave our BLACK children more power in the home BUT NO PLACE ELSE mind you because LAW ENFORCEMENT or SLAVE CATCHERS is awaiting in the streets, in the stores, in the schools and in the world OUTSIDE OF THE HOME.

They want us to believe that they care about VIOLENCE or ABUSE of our children when they literally LEGISLATE economic insecurity, inaccessibility, oppression, poverty, lack, hunger, homelessness, low wages, education malpractice, toxic living environments, and the like? O OK!

We BLACK teachers don’t show up to school to be disrespected, maltreated, spoken down to by our WHITE colleagues not allowed to teach our children who they are, from where they have come and why we are here. Our BLACK students don’t show up to see substitutes as teachers or empty classrooms.
The reason these children are the way they are the ENEMY is greeting them from the Pre-K level to 12th grade and we BLACK teachers are here attempting to save their spirits, souls. brilliance, and intelligence as we BOTH deal with WHITE inferiority, insolence, disrespect, ignorance, immorality and incompetence inside of our educational institutions.
We BLACK teachers have reached our breaking point because we are also attempting to save our children from this wicked, vicious, racist system that is in place to rob, strip, deny and exclude them for life, liberty and pursuing happiness.

We BLACK parents aren’t the problem, the problem are those who are behind these laws, rules, codes, mandates, policies and legislation who knows how to put money above people and humanity.

The reason our children have reached this level of disrespect is because of the ENEMY is within.

The enemy understand if and when we showed up ready to learn, impact, empower and energize our future.

I know that we ALL can’t turn our backs on our children and we ALL can’t be afraid to tell them the truth about where they come, who they are and all of the greatness within them.

So as I end this reflection, I am asking myself is this something I will continue? As long as the enemy is within, this will get worse.

Make it make sense, the most weakest, dehumanizing, murderous, terrorizing, decadent, crumbling, incompetent, immoral, unjust, illegal, ignorant, insolent, complacent people have convinced the most strongest, resilient, brilliant, gifted, skilled, talented, compassionate, loving, loyal giving, resourceful that we are the total opposite?

My intentionality, my duty, my vow, my heart, my will, my faith are all what I am supposed to do and be to resolve to empower, impact, and elevate and educate my calling and ministry and that is to educate.

I know that our ancestors made sure we were moral, God fearing, confident, competent, ripe, exceptional, truthful, accountable, responsible, engaged, vocal and agents of change for the culture.
Daily, I witness our BLACK children being taught to ignore, reject, deny, omit, and exclude the teachings of their ancestors and this and ONLY this is why we see what we see, feel how we feel, hear what we hear and experience what we are experiencing.
Your ancestors built this country for white wealth and the intentional, willful, known, and legislative education malpractice and curriculum discrimination is in place to perpetuate the whites only signs.
You are from great achievements.
You are from a prideful people.
You are from a powerful people.
You are from a resourceful people.
You are from a brilliant people.
You are from an excellent people.
You are from a prominent people.
You are from a great people.
You are from a feared people.
You are from a distinctive people.
You are from an energizing people.
You are from a critical thinking people.
You are from a progressive people.
You are from a people who upheld this country to be the beacon of light around the world.
No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.
As a BLACK educator, the school district, school system and all stake holders above me FAIL our children. Our education system is immoral, racist, illegal, dehumanizing and have some of the most incompetent, inept, ineffective and racist kens and karens ever.
Yes, I blame the school system for what we are seeing and where we are because those who make up the teaching profession are those who have ALWAYS been given access, opportunities, wages, titles, positions and higher wages without earning any of it.
They strip, rob, deny, reject and exclude our children and this should be mental, social and emotional abuse.
Our inner city schools being lacking in resources, outdated curriculum and education malpractice is as America as it gets even when we were spitting our scholars, inventors, ingenuity and assets into society.
The ONLY thing we need is BLACK TEACHERS teaching BLACK STUDENTS.
These WHITE TEACHERS should no longer get a pass for blaming the BLACK parents when their job is to do as our BLACK educators did and produced scholar athletes.
May be an image of text that says '" I'm a teacher. A teacher is someone who leads. There is no magic here. do not walk on water. do not part the sea. I just love children. Marva Collins, educator edutopia'
May be an image of text that says 'Kids don't fail. Teachers fail, school systems fail. The people who teach children that they are failures, they are the problem. Marva Collin s.guotelonaj'
May be an image of text that says 'There is a brilliant child locked inside every student. meetville.com Marva Collins'
May be an image of text that says 'Don't ry to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed. Marva Collins- Collins AZQUOTES'

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