Got my OWN mic, stage, key, seat & door!


on May 15, 2024
Pre Brown vs. Board of Education way of teaching, instructing, guiding and educating is said to be outdated.
This education system that is ran like a business is ran just like a a failed business spearheaded by white folks.
We had morals, dignity, high standards, high expectations, no excuses allowed, superior, exceptional, brilliant, great, purposed and relevant Black teachers and they were replaced with ignorant, incompetent, entitled, immoral, uncivilized, unethical white teachers that got us to this moment in time.
We had teachers who were the leaders and children were the followers, we had teachers who were authoritarian and extracted the greatness from their children in spite of the inhumane, unjust, discriminatory, unethical, and immoral issues America legislated them.
We had Black teachers who understood that poverty was legislated but not who you were nor did it dictate what you could do and where you could go and what you could achieve because they were our proof.
We had strong Black models of what professionalism was and it was our extended clubs, activities and exposure to Black professional organizations and businesses that understood it was all about our future that they were elevated and walked and talked and showed up in the manner that they did and it was indeed stellar.
We had Black teachers who didn’t lower the bar, expectations or standards in any of our classes, the taught and whatever they taught we learned and was expected to perfect and master it.
We now have America who opened our educational doors for a people who have been HANDED UNEARNED access, opportunities, positions, titles, degrees, titles and certifications to shape and mold our children of which is now ANIT BLACK morals, dignity, ethics, principles, and values.
We see now that opening the doors for dinner and educators and they facilitated the educational journey of our future is the bane of our existence.
We see how America has made us an unintelligible, weak, incompetent, illiterate, ignorant and easy country to be fooled and taken advantage of because of the inexperienced teachers who make up the teaching profession as they daily impart, formulate teaching pedagogy, approaches that they hate, can care less about and is not passionate about along with not being committed to humanity and bettering society.
We see these teachers need to be in lights, on platforms, seen as more proficient and knowledgeable than they really are because they never had to be energized, enthusiastic, empowered, experienced and exceptional in anything and can still be chosen, awarded, elevated and promoted without earning any of it and hence, we are here today……
We see how the nonprofit sector and law enforcement has generated large contracts over us producing intelligent, thought provoking, and brilliant children.
We see how we are expected to sale our souls, criminalize our children, oppress our goal, regress our culture and suppress our children’s creativity, ingenuity and high scholastic abilities.
We see how this education business model is profitable starting with racism, illiteracy, ignorance and connected with big pharma, banking and law enforcement all with these incompetent, ineffective, instability, and incoherent white people who have to be trained to see, hear, feel, and understand humanity.
We see the normalization of little or no training, teaching, instructing or guiding and this is the decline of education, and America with all of these microwaveable unsuccessful teaching programs at the expense of our Black culture, future and community.
We see the decline of professionals as well within the education system and they are mirrored by the companies andĀ  services that had a stake in this because of the great profit, generational wealth, and higher elevation this weakness and incompetence can grow them or their business and not our children.
We see a country that CONgress is allowed to tell us that we can’t teach our children the truth about them and our ancestors great achievements, accomplishments and contributions. These teachers are trained on lies and come into our schools where they invaded, infiltrated and perpetuate them and gladly.
We see these white teachers come in with their diluted version of what a high quality teacher resembles and does and all of this crap that they have exposed our children is anti us and them.
We see within the community and businesses that the incompetence of our teachers are the direct reflection of the outcome of their students.
We see that these teachers today are less qualified, less experienced, less educated, less talented, less gifted, less creative, less skilled, less life, less knowledge, less than we EVER were with more societal issues.
We see how they stripped our children from the high expectations, high standards, high morals, high discipline, high patience and high scholastic abilities our ancestors and elders held us accountable, responsible and we understood our assignment and cultural obligations to fulfill with no excuses and by any means necessary.
Instead of graduating black students of civility, morality, dignity, respect, compassion, consideration, high scholastics, brilliance, well researched, critical in thought, clear headed, driven, focused and confident and proof of what is within is what our elders had and the horrible situations America legislate us doesn’t define us so we could continue to master, evolve, transform, and embrace our strength, power and unity we allowed them to privatize and corporatize education.
Teachers prey on the oppression, regression, suppression, ptsd, trauma and toxic communities and redirect our children to the school to prison pipeline forĀ  consumption, expansion, enrollments, and major profits.
Black teachers taught and teach prevention, physiology, techniques of meditation, anger management, or other substantive subjects because before we became educators we were citizens of this great country that our ancestors built.
Schools today are enticed to new nonprofits, curriculums, investment techniques and invites to the millionaire’s secret inner-circle, to courses promising this, that and the other and don’t have to produce ANY of their promises and it is sad.
We have allow the easing of the requirements for becoming an educator.
Anyone who wears that title of an educator must have years during their first year experience of proven success.
Anyone who wears the title of an educator must have substantive education foundation.
Anyone who wears the title of an educated must be prepared and more resourceful just as the generation before, and with the ability to value quality of instruction, intent, dignity, and education over quantity of sales, number of schools owned, and other issue of greed and status. No more awards given for the least amount of effort one might invest and still remember the requirements.
We must get back to building upon skills that require years to become proficient at, in schools lead by people with a deep love for the work and genuine, hard-earned talent and who aren’t driven by the size of their bank accounts, but by the understanding that a lifetime invested in the training yields results that can, literally, make the world a better, more peaceful, more grounded, and centered place –schools like this will help us design and redesign a kind of world that is honest, backed with substance, and engaged in by people who become stewards for the best of the best we can bring to the table –and the world.
To end this world where violence is entertainment, death of our young is running rampant hunger is a global epidemic, greed is destroying the planet, and the attitude of entitlement instead of gratitude is consuming us we must get authentic educators back into the classrooms who understand humanity, ethics, and good character.
We must get the people who are motivated by greed out of this profession and replace them with those with a desire to make a difference and who are authentic change makers.
We must get back to the words, deeds and reproducing of our elders. What worked then can work today.
We must bring the OLD way of educating BACK to a place of dignity, community, honesty, substance, nobility, purpose, and a direct reflection of our elders.
We need teachers who are willing to be relevant, holistic approach to what they do in the classrooms and how it then manifests itself in the world.

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