Got my OWN mic, stage, key, seat & door!


on August 3, 2018

Black coaches should not train white athletes, we are different, and Black Coaches are to suffer from it.

We POC are tough mentally
We POC are tough physically
We POC are tough emotionally
We POC hear harshness and understand it’s meaning
We POC hear brutal speech and understand greatness is being extracted
We POC get US and know us


They are WEAK minded, they are OFFENDED easily, they aren’t used to working hard, long, hard and in ALL KINDS OF WEATHER, they are given the world, they get unearned credit just because well, THEY ARE WHITE.

They hire BLACK COACHES because of the history of BLACK ATHLETES

They hire BLACK COACHES because of their toughness

They hire BLACK COACHES because of their demand for excellence

They hire BLACK COACHES because of their level of commitment

They hire BLACK COACHES for their skill level

They hire BLACK COACHES for their knowledge of the sport

They hire BLACK COACHES because they have a no excuse policy

They hire BLACK COACHES because they highlight academics as well

They hire BLACK COACHES for their consistency

They hire BLACK COACHES because of their work ethics

They hire BLACK COACHES for what they are known to produce

The first tear of these mentally and physically weak, no work ethics, crying WHITE girls, now they are speaking of criminal charges?

These White athletes are used to being HANDED UNEARNED access, accolades, opportunities, positions, and rankins and this proficient, dedicated, proven coach said NOT ON HIS WATCH.

Our inner city coaches are the REAL millionaires.

I guess someone talked since into the executive of AAU and they “created” the Urban Initiative in 2015 b but have been in existence since 1888. I am sure they partner with these chiropractors that make a killing off of our Black athletes. Our inner city coaches are on the frontlines and they equip and ready our inner city children to be passed on to colleges ready (mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally).

So what do they do first, DEFUND and DENY us access and inclusion.  If we can’t afford it or travel to it then we can’t defy the odds, compete and dominate, in that order.

For some reason, this country don’t see us as assets but liabilities when it comes to our contributions and this is the season that we need to be compensated for all we do and have done.   Our work ethics speak for itself. Just as any sport, volleyball is the same. Volleyball isn’t a white sport, it’s an exposure, access, financial means and opportunity sport.  In our inner city schools our poor children assure their white teachers children’s notes, bills, social and athletic clubs and tuitions are paid on and in a timely manner.

I always tell my two girls who dominate on the volleyball court, it is never about our inner city student-athletes ability but always about access, opportunity, inclusion and funding. They know when we show up that we will defy the odds, dominate.

I salute you Coach Williams!

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