Got my OWN mic, stage, key, seat & door!


on May 27, 2022

So growing up in poverty isn’t enough?

So working minimum wage jobs isn’t enough?

So being legislated poverty wages isn’t enough?

So getting up attending schools lacking in resources isn’t enough?

So employing WHITE TEACHERS a salary under contract but barely come to work isn’t enough?

So parents who are too tired but viewed as failures because they don’t know how to or understand how to advocate for their children, good administration and educators isn’t enough?

So being one of the 6 parents at school board meetings isn’t enough?

So residing in legislated draining communities isn’t enough?

So living next to legislated dilapidated buildings isn’t enough?

So being and taking legislated malnourishment isn’t enough?

So living in legislated public housing filled with asbestos, rodents, rats, and high levels of lead isn’t enough?

So residing in legislated crime ridden communities isn’t enough?

So choosing to not accept legislated death of students like it is the norm isn’t enough?

So to push back and call out profit over people and property isn’t enough?

So to watch our children get legislatively ROBBED of those extra curricular activities, and clubs that give them a boost isn’t enough?

So to see legislated DISTANCE AND DOLLARS be implemented as a ROAD BLOCK for BLACK BRILLIANCE AND COMPETITION as we are turned away from reputable employment, high salaries and high quality “supposedly” education, that isn’t enough?

So calling out and making demands isn’t enough?

So wanting better should not be?

So demanding justice should not be?

So making requests known means nothing?

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